Military Experience Credit

Adams State University is appreciative of your service to our country and is honored to assist you with your educational benefits

The VA School Certifying Official (SCO) is located in Petteys Hall. The SCO forwards enrollment certifications to regional offices of the Veterans Administration (VA), provides assistance to students with problems that relate to the VA educational programs, and maintains a reference file on all VA students for up to 5 years. NOTE: The certifying official isn’t a VA employee, and can’t make decisions about your eligibility for VA benefits.

More Information on Veterans Educational Benefits

Military Experience Credit

  • Military service credit (formal school training only) is processed when official documents or transcripts are received at Adams State.
  • Joint Services Transcript (JST) is an academically accepted document approved by the American Council on Education (ACE) to validate a service member’s military occupational experience and training along with the corresponding ACE college credit recommendations.
  • Course work accepted from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) is not considered military credit. It is considered transfer credit from a regionally accrediting community college. Review of CCAF credits will be completed following Adams State University transfer policies.
  • Courses found in the American Council on Education Guide or on transcripts (CCAF, AARTS, SMART) can be evaluated. To speed up the formal evaluation process, we recommend you request a transcript of your military training from the Air Force, Army, Navy or Marine Corps.
  • Locally conducted (base- or post-level) courses are generally not accepted due to their unstructured and changing content.

Policy 100-07-04 Official Policy Military Experience Credit

Send Joint Services Transcripts (JST) and CCAF Transcripts to:

For On-Campus Programs

Adams State University
Office of the Registrar
Richardson Hall
Suite 2110
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101

For Distance Learning / Extended Studies Programs

Adams State University
Extended Studies
208 Edgemont Blvd., Suite 3000
Alamosa, CO 81101

Air Force

U.S. Air Force active duty/reserve/veterans provide Adams State with an official transcript from the Community College of the Air Force. Questions regarding the procedures can be directed to CCAF/Student Services – commercial 334-649-5066. Options for obtaining a copy of your CCAF transcript include:

  • Written request – No Cost. This process typically takes 10-15 business days from day of order to receive the transcript.

The request must include member’s full name, last four of member’s SSN, date of birth, transcript address “home, college, etc.” and physical signature

Mail request to:

Army, Coast Guard, Navy, and Marine Corps

U.S. Army, Navy, or Marine Corps active duty/reserve/veterans provide Adams State with an official transcript from the Joint Services Transcript (JST). Options for obtaining a copy of your JST transcript include:

  • Online/Electronic request – No cost. After you log on to the JST website (link below), you will click the “Transcript” link at the top of the page and then on the “Transcripts Menu” you will click the “Official Transcript Request”. On the next page, search for “Adams State University” and select the institution from the list. Select the correct institution (verify spelling and location are correct) in the resulting search results. On the next page, acknowledge the consent statement and click “Yes”.