School of Education
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
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The School of Education at Adams State University is dedicated to inspiring and empowering the cultivation of educational leaders who embrace diversity, facilitate change, and contribute to the learning and inclusion of all students, particularly in rural regions.
ED 310: Methods/Teaching Science-Elem (3 hours)
This course provides a background in constructivist, inquiry based science instruction that corresponds to the Colorado State Science Content Standards. This background prepares the student to develop and implement student centered learning in science. Emphasis is given to the integration science into the broader curriculum, especially literacy, and to instruction strategies that support success for all students, including linguistically and culturally diverse students. This course has field lab hours, which are attached to the senior block, focusing on field-based experience related to the teaching of science in the elementary classroom.
ED 345: Educational Psychology (3 hours)
Designed to explore the background of educational psychology. Major topic areas include: research, value and utilization, student characteristics and diversity, learning theories and their application, motivation, teaching methods and practices, evaluating student learning, and standardized measurements. Students will develop increased ability to understand and assess the interrelationships of intellectual, cognitive, instructional, personality, social and cultural influences, theories, and factors as they affect the learning environments. Students will cover assessment procedures, analysis of data, legal and ethical responsibilities as part of necessary research and evaluation within the school learning environment. Emphasis is placed on developing knowledge of historical and current research and its meaning for interaction and planning in the school setting.